Saving a Model and its relations at once in Laravel 11 is a breeze

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Saving a model and its relations simultaneously: We’ve all experienced it, carefully creating a model, configuring its properties, and then… that awful process of iterating through related models, saving each one separately. It gets the job done, but it definitely lacks efficiency, doesn’t it? Well, that’s it then! Laravel provides a valuable feature for conveniently saving a model and its relations simultaneously: the push method!

In this post, we’ll delve into using push to streamline your data persistence and make your Laravel code sing.

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Why ‘PUSH’ for Saving a Model and its relations?

When it comes to saving a model with related data, the process can be quite laborious. It typically involves updating the main model and then going through each related model, saving them one by one. It can be quite a task. Managing this can become quite chaotic and prone to mistakes, particularly when dealing with complex relationships.

The push method is a helpful feature that allows for an easier way of saving a model and its related models all at once. This not only simplifies your code but also guarantees data consistency within your database.

Unveiling the Power of ‘PUSH’

Let’s see push in action with a practical example: Imagine you’re building a library application and want to create a new book with its associated publisher. Here’s the traditional, loop-based approach:

Without push:

$book = Book::find(1);
$book->name = "Awesome Book To Read";
$book->publisher->name = "John Doe"; // Update publisher name

// Save book and then publisher (tedious!)

Using push:

$book = Book::find(1);
$book->name = "Awesome Book To Read";
$book->publisher->name = "John Doe";

// Save book and its relations

As you can see, using push removes the necessity for a separate loop. We link the new publisher to the book using relationship, and then efficiently manage both models by utilizing push for saving.

But Wait, There’s More!

While push is fantastic for basic scenarios, here are some additional points to consider:

  • Existing vs. New Relations: push works for both existing and new relations. For existing relations, use associate to establish the link before calling push. For new relations, you can create the related model instance within the push call.
  • Nested Relations: push can handle nested relations too! Let’s say a book has chapters. You can associate chapters with the book before calling push, and it will save the entire chain in one go.


By implementing the push method, you can greatly simplify the process of saving models and their relationships in Laravel. It emphasizes the importance of clean code, minimizes the chance of errors, and simplifies the management of your application’s data. So, the next time you come across model and relation saving, keep in mind the importance of push!