Category Laravel

Easily Increment or Decrement using Laravel Eloquent

We’ve all been there: trying updating a counter variable, then saving the entire model instance. It works, sure, but it feels…clunky, right? Especially when Laravel offers a more elegant solution: Eloquent’s increment and decrement methods! In this post, we’ll explore…

New Laravel 11 has been officially released: Welcome Reverb

Laravel 11 has been released, requiring PHP v8.2 at minimum. It brings significant enhancements, including a new Laravel Reverb package for real-time capabilities, a streamlined directory structure, per-second rate limiting, health routing, encryption key rotation, queue testing improvements, Resend mail…

Laravel Eloquent: “get()” vs “find()”

Laravel Eloquent: Laravel’s Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a powerful tool that makes working with databases easier by letting writers use an object-oriented syntax. There are two popular ways to get data from a database: get() and find(). This article…