Mastering Vuejs Custom Directives: Extending Vue.js Functionality

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1. Introduction to Vuejs Custom Directives

Directives in Vue.js are strong features that allow you to apply custom reactive behavior to the "DOM (Document Object Model)". They are simply instructions that instruct Vue.js on how to render DOM elements. Directives are prefixed with "v-" to signify that they are Vue.js-specific attributes.

// Example of a directive
<div v-if="isVisible">Hello, World!</div>

In this case, "v-if" is a directive that conditionally renders the element based on whether or not "isVisible" is true.

Directives allow you to create dynamic and interactive web applications. They offer a declarative approach to DOM manipulation, which means you express what you want to achieve and Vue.js handles the rest. This results in clearer, more readable code.

// Example of declarative approach
<div v-for="item in items">{{ item }}</div>

"v-for" is a directive in this example that generates a list of items based on the items array. You don’t need to worry about how Vue.js updates the DOM when the items array changes, everything is taken care of for you.

2. Understanding Built-in Vue.js Directives

Vue.js includes a set of essential directives for performing common operations. Here are a few examples of commonly used built-in directives:

  • "v-bind": Binds one or more attributes or a component prop to an expression dynamically.
  • "v-model": A two-way binding is created on a form input element or a component.
  • "v-show": Toggles the display of an element by updating the CSS display property.
  • "v-if", "v-else-if", "v-else": Conditionally renders elements.
  • "v-for": Renders a list of items based on the attributes of an array or an object.

Practical Examples of Built-in Vue.js Directives

Let’s put these instructions into practice with some real-world scenarios.

a. v-bind: The title attribute of an HTML element is bound to a Vue.js data property in this case.

  <div v-bind:title="message">
    Hover over me for a few seconds to see my dynamically bound title!

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'You loaded this page on ' + new Date().toLocaleString()

b. v-model: Create two-way data connections on form input and textarea elements with this directive.

  <input v-model="message" placeholder="edit me">

  <p>Message is: {{ message }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: ''

c. v-show: This directive changes the CSS display property of an element to toggle its visibility.

  <button v-on:click="toggle">Toggle</button>
  <div v-show="show">You can see me now!</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      show: true
  methods: {
    toggle() { = !

d. v-if, v-else-if, v-else: These directives render elements conditionally. To conditionally render a block, use "v-if". Only if the directive’s expression returns a true value will the block be shown.

  <div v-if="type === 'A'">Hello from A</div>
  <div v-else-if="type === 'B'">Hello from B</div>
  <div v-else>Hello from elsewhere</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      type: 'B'

e. v-for: This directive generates a list of items depending on the characteristics of an array or an object.

  <ul id="example-1">
    <li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
      {{ index }} - {{ item.message }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
        { message: 'Foo' },
        { message: 'Bar' }

3. Creating Vue.js Custom Directives

While Vue.js includes a set of built-in directives, there may be times when you need to do particular things that these do not cover. This is where "custom directives" come into play. Custom directives enable you to define your own directives and enhance Vue.js capabilities to meet your individual requirements.

Steps to Create a Custom Directive

a. Define the Directive: "Vue.directive()" can be used to create a custom directive. The first argument is the name of the directive, and the second is an object that defines the directive’s action.

Vue.directive('focus', {
  // directive definition

b. Specify Directive Hooks: You can utilize the following hooks in directives: "bind", "inserted", "update", "componentUpdated", and "unbind". Each hook is a function that is called at different stages during the element’s lifecycle.

Vue.directive('focus', {
  inserted: function (el) {
    // element is inserted into the DOM

c. Registering Custom Vue.js Directives

"Vue.directive()" can be used to register a custom directive globally. The directive is now present throughout your application. Here’s an example of a global custom directive that focuses an input element automatically when it’s added to the DOM.

Vue.directive('focus', {
  inserted: function (el) {

If you wish to limit the scope of a custom directive to a specific component, you can do so via the component’s "directives" option. Here’s an example:

export default {
  directives: {
    focus: {
      inserted: function (el) {

d. Use the Directive: You can use a custom directive in your templates exactly like any other built-in directive.

  <input v-focus>

4. Advanced Topics in Custom Vue.js Directives

Directive hooks are functions that are called at different stages in an element’s lifecycle. The following are the five directive hooks:

a. bind: Called only once when the directive is first bound to the element.

b. inserted: When the bound element is put into its parent node, this method is called.

c. update: Called after the VNode of the contained component has been updated, but perhaps before its children have been changed.

d. componentUpdated: Called after the contained component’s VNode and its children’s VNodes have been modified.

e: unbind: Called only once when the directive is unbound from the element.

Each hook function accepts arguments that offer further context about the element’s and directive’s current state.

Vue.directive('demo', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    // ...
  inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    // ...
  // ...

Passing Arguments and Modifiers to Custom Directives

Custom directives can be passed as parameters and modifiers to make them more dynamic and reusable.

a. Arguments: By inserting a colon followed by the argument to the directive name, you can pass an argument to it.

  <div v-demo:arg="message"></div>

Vue.directive('demo', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    var arg = binding.arg;
    // arg === 'arg'

b. Modifiers: Modifiers are special postfixes denoted by a dot that indicate how a directive should be bound.

  <div v-demo.mod="message"></div>

Vue.directive('demo', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    var mod = binding.modifiers.mod;
    // mod === true

6. Best Practices for Creating and Using Custom Vue.js Directives

It’s critical to keep your code neat and structured while writing custom directives. Here are some pointers:

a. Single Responsibility Principle: Each directive should only accomplish one thing properly. Consider splitting down a directive that handles several responsibilities into smaller, more focused directives.

b. Naming Conventions: Write the directives clearly and descriptively. The name of the directive should indicate what it performs.

c. Directive Hooks: Use directive hooks wisely. Each hook is intended for a specific purpose, so use the appropriate hook for the job.

Performance Considerations

When developing custom directives, performance is an important thing to consider. Here are some performance factors to consider

a. Avoid Expensive Operations in update and componentUpdated Hooks: These hooks are triggered whenever the component updates, which can happen pretty frequently. In these hooks, avoid performing intensive computations or DOM operations.

b. Use v-show over v-if When Possible: When you need to alter visibility frequently, the "v-show" directive outperform the "v-if" directive. "v-if" is more suitable for cases when the element will not be toggled frequently.

c. Be Mindful of Memory Leaks: To avoid memory leaks, if you include "event listeners" in your directive, be sure to clear them up in the unbind hook.

Vue.directive('demo', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    el.eventListener = function () { /* ... */ }
    el.addEventListener('click', el.eventListener)
  unbind: function (el) {
    el.removeEventListener('click', el.eventListener)


We’ve traveled through the world of Vue.js directives in this detailed guide. We began with an overview of Vue.js directives, including their purpose and significance. We then looked at Vue.js’s built-in directives, complete with practical examples.

Our trip carried us deeper into designing our own custom directives, explaining why they are required and how to do so. We discovered how to register and use custom directives in a Vue.js application.

We didn’t stop there, we also covered advanced subjects like directive hooks and passing arguments and modifiers to custom directives. Finally, we reviewed recommended practices for developing and deploying custom Vue.js directives, with a focus on code organization, structure, and performance.

You should now have a firm grasp on Vue.js directives and how to use them successfully in your apps. But keep in mind that practice is the key to mastering any skill. So go ahead and start designing your own custom directives to elevate your Vue.js applications!

If you enjoyed this guide on Vue.js directives, you might also find value in another article I’ve written titled “Boosting Vue.js Application Performance: A Comprehensive Guide to Speed and Efficiency”. This article provides a deep dive into various techniques and strategies to optimize the performance of your Vue.js applications. Don’t miss it!

Happy coding! 🚀