CORS In Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide to Configuring CORS

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CORS in Laravel: CORS is an important security feature that web browsers use to safeguard your website from requests from multiple origins. It serves as a gatekeeper, allowing or blocking requests based on your settings. CORS is critical for any web developer to understand since it has a direct impact on the security and operation of your web apps.

We’ll look at what CORS is, why it’s vital, and how it works in this article. We will next look at Laravel and its features before going over how to configure CORS in Laravel step by step. We will also go over common issues that you may encounter while configuring CORS and how to troubleshoot them.

By the end of this article, you should have a good understanding of CORS and how to use it in Laravel. This article is intended to help you in mastering CORS settings in Laravel, whether you are a newbie just starting out with Laravel or an experienced developer wishing to further your expertise.

1. Understanding CORS

CORS is a method that uses additional HTTP headers to instruct browsers to grant a web application running at one origin access to chosen resources from another origin. CORS is a set of rules used to loosen the same-origin policy, allowing JavaScript on a web page to perform XMLHttpRequests to another site.

Why CORS is Important

CORS is a critical component of web security. Web browsers use the same-origin policy by default to prevent a potentially dangerous script on one page from gaining access to sensitive data on another. This regulation, however, may be excessively restricted for certain types of online apps, such as those that use APIs. CORS comes into play here. It enables web applications to designate which resources can be accessed by scripts from various origins, making your applications more versatile and safe.

How CORS Works

When a browser sends a cross-origin request (request to a different domain), it includes an Origin header containing the current domain value. After that, the server responds with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The browser allows the request if the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value matches the Origin value or is a wildcard character (*).

If the server refuses the cross-origin request, it will return an error message and the browser will block the request. This method stops unauthorized sites from sending requests to your server on your users’ behalf.

Consider the real-world application "WeatherWise" for weather forecasting. This application retrieves weather data from several sources via a public API. The application’s frontend is hosted on, and it retrieves data via an API located on

Assume a person goes to to check the weather prediction for their location. To obtain this information, the application must send a request to However, because is not the same origin as, the browser’s same-origin policy will automatically deny this request.

CORS enters the picture here. can respond with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header that includes if CORS is properly configured. This informs the browser that has permission to access the answer and allows the request to proceed.

2. Laravel with CORS

Fruitcake/laravel-cors is a package provided by Laravel that allows developers to submit Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers using Laravel middleware setup. This package enables you to manage CORS in an efficient and secure manner.

You can select which routes in your application should be CORS enabled with Laravel, allowing you to fine-tune your security settings. You can also handle pre-flight OPTIONS requests, which browsers send as a precaution before making the main request.

3. Setting up Laravel

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to install your Laravel project. Run the following command to create a new Laravel project.

Install Laravel

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel weatherapi

Configure Environment Variables

After installation, open the .env file in your project directory (weatherapi). This file contains a variety of parameters, including database connection settings that must be configured based on your setup.

Set Up Database

Create a new database in your preferred DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so on). Then, in your .env file, replace DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD with your database name, username, and password.

Run Migrations

php artisan migrate

Start Server

php artisan serve

Now, if you visit http://localhost:8000 in your web browser, you should see the default Laravel welcome page.

4. Configuring CORS in Laravel

Let’s go on to setting CORS, now that we’ve set up Laravel for our “weatherapi” application. For this, we’ll utilize the fruitcake/laravel-cors package.

composer require fruitcake/laravel-cors

To allow CORS for all your routes, you need to add the HandleCors middleware class to the global middleware array in your app/Http/Kernel.php file:

protected $middleware = [
    // ...

The CORS configuration file needs to be published to your config directory. You can accomplish this by issuing the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="cors"

This will create a cors.php file in your config directory. This file allows you to configure your CORS settings.

Configuring CORS Settings

Open the config/cors.php file and you’ll see several settings:

return [
    'paths' => ['api/*'],
    'allowed_methods' => ['*'],
    'allowed_origins' => ['*'],
    'allowed_origins_patterns' => [],
    'allowed_headers' => ['*'],
    'exposed_headers' => [],
    'max_age' => 0,
    'supports_credentials' => false,

Here’s what each setting means:

a. paths: This is an array of paths that should have CORS enabled. If we wish to enable CORS for all API routes in our "WeatherWise" application, we can leave it as ['api/*'].

b. allowed_methods: This is a list of HTTP methods that are allowed. To accept all methods, we can leave it as ['*'].

c. allowed_origins: This is an array of origins that can make requests. We would replace ['*'] in "WeatherWise" with [''].

d. allowed_origins_patterns: This is a list of regular expressions that match origins that can make requests.

e. allowed_headers: This is an array of acceptable HTTP headers. To enable all headers, we can leave it as ['*'].

f. exposed_headers: This is an array of HTTP headers that should be exposed in the response.

g. max_age: This indicates how long (in seconds) preflight request responses can be cached.

h. supports_credentials: This is a boolean value that indicates whether or not cookies and credentials are supported.

You can modify these settings according to your requirements.

5. Troubleshooting Common CORS Issues in Laravel

You may experience some frequent challenges while configuring CORS in Laravel for your backend service Here are a few examples, along with solutions:

Issue 1: CORS Header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ Missing

This is one of the most typical problems you may encounter. When the server (in our case, fails to provide the required CORS headers in its response, this error happens.

Solution: Check that your Laravel application’s CORS configuration is valid and that the HandleCors middleware is included in the app/Http/Kernel.php file. Also, double-check your config/cors.php file to ensure that the paths and allowed_origins are set appropriately.

Issue 2: Preflight Request Fails

A preflight request is a brief request sent by the browser before to the actual request to verify the server’s CORS policy. If this fails, it’s typically because the server isn’t set up to properly handle OPTIONS requests.

Solution: Make sure that OPTIONS is listed in the allowed_methods section of your config/cors.php file. Also, ensure that your server is set up to correctly reply to OPTIONS requests.

Issue 3: Credentials are Not Included in the Request

If your application requires credentials to be sent with the request, you may encounter an issue where the credentials are not provided.

Solution: Set supports_credentials to true in your config/cors.php file. Also, ensure that credentials are included in the request on the client side (

Remember that troubleshooting involves a great deal of trial and error. The solutions shown here are meant to be general guides. Depending on your individual system and requirements, your actual solution may differ.

6. Best Practices for Configuring CORS in Laravel for Backend Service

Here are some best practices to consider while implementing CORS in Laravel for your backend service

Be Specific with Allowed Origins

While it may be tempting to use a wildcard (*) to accept all origins, it is preferable to specify the exact origins that should be allowed. This provides you more control over your program and improves its security.

Limit Allowed Methods

allow_methods should be as explicit as allowed_origins. Allow only the HTTP methods that your application requires. This reduces the possible attack surface.

Use Credentials Wisely

Set supports_credentials to false if your application does not require credentials in its queries. If you must add credentials, make certain that no critical information is exposed and that your application is safe.

Keep Your CORS Policy Up-to-Date

Your CORS policy should change in sync with your application. Review and update your config/cors.php file on a regular basis to ensure it meets your application’s current demands and security standards.

Handle Errors Gracefully

Ensure that your application gracefully resolves CORS issues and gives relevant error messages. This can be really beneficial while troubleshooting.

7. Conclusion

We’ve gone over the principle of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and its significance in web development in this detailed guide. Using ‘’ as an example, we looked at the Laravel framework and how it can be utilized to manage CORS for a backend service.

We went over how to install Laravel, configure CORS, and resolve typical difficulties that may emerge throughout this process. We also went over some best practices for implementing CORS in Laravel to ensure your application’s security and effectiveness.

You should now have a solid knowledge of CORS and how to use it successfully in Laravel for a backend service. While CORS is a useful tool for managing access to your web resources, it should be utilized with caution and responsibility. Keep your CORS policy up to date with your application’s increasing needs and security standards.

If you want to integrate social media sharing buttons in Laravel, check out the post “Integrating Laravel 10 Social Media Share Buttons“. It explains in detail how to add social media sharing features to your Laravel applications, hence increasing the reach and visibility of your content. This could be a useful tool to have in your toolbox when creating strong and interactive web applications.